Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Freedom Riders

Last week, SBS TV aired the fasincating PBS documentary, Freedom Riders.

Freedom Riders provides a detailed account of, "The story behind a courageous band of civil rights activists called the Freedom Riders who in 1961 challenged segregation in the American South."

Have a look at the website for further references.

Ms Hanlon

Mississippi Burning

We finished watching Mississippi Burning in class today.  The film is based on actual events, depicting a crime that took place in June 1964 in which three young civil-rights workers - Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney - were arrested outside of Philadelphia, Mississippi. The three men were held for eight hours, then released into the darkness of rural Mississippi. They were later stopped on isolated road by the same deputy sheriff, this time accompanied by a party of Ku Klux Klansmen. They were murdered in cold blood, transported to an earthen dam several miles away and buried with a bulldozer.

According to a New York Times review of the film on the December 4, 1988, "The facts of the case are shocking to the sensibilities as well as the emotions..."

See the complete review here

Do you agree with the reviewer, who argues that, "much of the power of ''Mississippi Burning'' derives from the audience's knowledge that the essential horror it is witnessing onscreen really happened."

Emmett Till

The first film we examined in class was, The Murder of Emmett Till.

I am most interested to hear your thoughts on this incredible story. My first thought was, "Why am I just learning about this?" One of the pleasures of teaching is that sometimes I get to learn along with my students. That means that we can share our reactions together.

I know that I commented to you afterwards that there were a few heroes in this story. Emmet Till became a hero of the civil right's movement, but I think that his mother, Mamie Till, showed great strength and courage. Her decision to insist that her son's casket was open was a great personal sacrifice. As she says, she did not want her son's death to be in vain.

As you know, your first SAC assignment will be to complete a film review on between one to three films in total. You should start to gather these resources now.

Further information and resources on Emmett Till can be found at: http://

If you find any other resources of note, please add them for your colleagues.

Welcome to Moden History Unit 2: People and Power

Hello girls,

Welcome to our new blog. This is designed to be a space for us to share our thoughts on the very powerful and moving information that you are busily digesting in class.

I am interested to hear your thoughts - it is hard not to be moved by the recent history of the African American people.

The usual rules apply - please share you thoughts respectfully.

Please be aware that the study guide for this subject, which we examined during our first class, is available at http://